What Details is a Professional Auditor Looking for in a DCAA Audit?

The Defense Contract Audit Agency usually informs contractors before sending auditors to their facilities. The time between the announcement and the audit is not enough to prepare properly. The key to preparing for an audit is to always stay aware of vital regulations and contract stipulations. From launching a bid until the audit is complete - learning about each step of the auditing process is vital. One thing’s for sure - there will be demanding questions during the audit.

What the DCAA is Looking For – The Role of the DCAA

DCAA auditors work for the Department of Defense. Their job is to supervise the financial/accounting aspects of the DoD’s advisory board. They DoD advisory board scouts and hires experts who can help them with specific services. The DCAA oversees all the paperwork regarding these services. They also perform audit services for other top government agencies. The DCAA Audit is the admittance test that tests a contractor’s regulatory and financial transparency.

Performing During Audits

The auditors will most likely be ex-professionals from some of the country’s elite accounting and consulting firms. They’ll test the contractor’s ability to offer specific solutions to work under the government’s contracting rules. Contractors should focus on their objectives. Prepare for the obvious questions. Brush up on the DCAA compliance requirements regularly. In some cases, auditors don’t announce their visits. Contractors need to convince the auditors that they can address all the demands on time. Show them around the facility, introduce them to workers, and, most importantly – be transparent!